Easy Website Themes with CSS Custom Properties

With the advent of dark mode, website theme customization is becoming an expectation instead of a feature. Plenty of websites go a step further and allow their users to select...

Making a Resume in HTML

Standard word processors don’t hold a candle to HTML and CSS when it comes to controlling the finer details of styling and layout. I’ve had difficulty fine-tuning my resume in...

Gradient Element Backgrounds with Psuedo-Elements

Recently, I was playing around with some web site mockups and came up with the following idea for a simple todo list app: I really liked the idea of using...

Custom Shadows with Clip-Path

I recently designed a static website for a personal trainer, and (with his permission) I thought it would be fun to write a post about a particular challenge I encountered...

Creating my Portfolio

I had been wanting to make my own portfolio website for some time. As a web developer, it’s a good way to showcase your work and highlight some of your...